Sunday, May 03, 2009

fibroid - part II

here it come again. my husband's aunt will be having her fibroid operation tomorrow. she was worried and concern about it. who will not? this worried me too since i have not scan was 11 cm and i'm not sure sama ada perlu dibuang fibroid shj atau fibroid and rahim...

fibriod is not something that can be ignored or pandang sebelah mata. most of us tak sedar simpton and kesannya. actually, it can be a serious problem for women above 40 years old as it can lead into cancer.

among the simptons are :

1-Heavy Vaginal Bleeding — excessive menstrual bleeding that can develop anemia, low blood count. one of the article that i read also described that if we are having menstrual pain or senggugut yg serius, haid tak teratur or skit pun bole menyumbang kepada fibroid. (check this website -

2- Pelvic Pressure or Discomfort — heaviness or pressure in the lower abdomen or pelvis. this kind of simptom mcm terasa pregnant. as i recall, when i was 6 months pregnant and above, my abdomen terasa berat- maybe mcm tu kut.

3-Bladder Changes — urinate more frequently.

4- Low back pain

5- Rectal Pressure — difficulty having a bowel movement

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